Friday, November 9, 2012

Carry On

This is very true...
Life has a way at peeling away at our layers sometimes! I had been going through a little rough patch a few weeks ago. Some struggles and stress were packing on.. And my beautiful sister sent me this lovely little man orange! I could not help but laugh and as simple as it is, very true! 

I noticed when you focus less on what you can't control and focus on what you can change, you gain self-motivation, a self-control. Saying, "Im not gonna worry today, Im just gonna do!" It does help, cause when you speak something out of your mouth it comes out and goes right into your ears! You can allow that to be well with your soul. 

These past couple years have not been the easiest, but I want that to make me stronger, not weaker! I want to say, I made it through that, I can make it through anything! Everyone loves the under-dog story.. the one where he's being brought down, discouraged, hurt, and in the end he is a conquer! Thats why we love those singing competitions, its everyday people who don't have much going after their dreams! We are wired to succeed, its figuring it out that gets to us. Instead of focusing on what we don't have, it's being thankful for what we do have! 

When we get face planted in the mud, we gotta pick our self up, fix our hair, brush our shoulders off and keep going! Letting the rain wash away the dirt for a new sunshine to warm our souls! Sometimes I get carried away with this stuff and maybe get a lithe to insightful, but its truth! And to be honest, even though I "preach" it I do still fall short of this positive way of life sometimes (ask my family) lol! Really  though, we are meant for so much more than to sell ourselves short! We can be find hope in the hopeless, strength in our weak moments... We just gotta find it deep with in ourselves and keep going, Keep carrying on! Have a Blessed weekend Friends! 


  1. What an inspirational blog you have!!! I feel so inspired just reading it! May I follow your blog??


    1. Oh yes! Id love it! Thankyou!! Im your newest follower as well ;)

    2. You officially have a new follower :) yay for new blogger friends!!

  2. I love that pic I've saw it a few times on fbook and its sooo true! It is hard to not focus on what you cannot control it takes a lot of practice but you are completely right when you stop doing that and begin to focus and channel all your energy on what you can change life becomes a tad bit easier, or at least less stressful! Have a great weekend my friend :D

  3. Hi my love, I'm one of those who tend to "sell myself short"!
    Thanks for your encouragement, and thanks so much for your reply, Hope we can follow each other. Have an awesome week!!

  4. What a great positive outlook, and I must say I might try and make that little orange man :)

  5. Hi Sara I'm so inspired by your blog :)
