Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful~ For my love!

I have been thinking lately, how fast our little ones grow up! It's crazy!! 
I remember I would constantly try to teach Jack new words to learn and now all he does is run around rambling on and on! I love it. But I'm trying not to blink!

He loved looking at his baby book and hearing about his arrival into the world. I love showing him these kinds of things.. I started writing him a letter. Telling him all about how much I love him and can't wait to see the man he grows up to be. Telling him where I worry and times he has made me laugh in the past 3 years! 

This little boy can drive me crazy at times, but my heart melts knowing he is my little man! 
Sometimes I get in a rut being on my own and having a kid so early life or saying what more I could of given him if things were different. But I believe with all my heart he was given to me for a reason! He makes me want to be better everyday and for that I am thankful! Im grateful I have a little face to say "Good mooooorning mama" everyday, and that constantly gives me something to smile about! 


  1. Awee this was such a sweet post! I can't wait to someday have kids I know they can be a handful but nothing compares to how you feel about your child (or so I hear :D) for now..my furr babies will do :D

  2. Thankyou! Yes, they're truly the best gift you can receive.. Even at my age I gained so much by becoming a mom!

  3. I can really see that you r the best mom for your little men :)
