Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't let the poop get ya!

I'm not gonna lie, there are times when my heart hurts so bad and I can barely breathe that I just want to give up on everything. Find a whole lay in it and roll a rock over it. There are things that happen in my life I don't quite understand and sometimes wonder why. There are times when I feel beyond a lone, that I couldn't even begin to share with someone where I'm really at cause I'd feel like they couldn't understand if they tried. And its easy to feel alone and look at everyone around you and say well they have this or this person has that kind of a life... and still, I have my days where i struggle or just flat out need to cry! For me, thats when I need to pray. Just give it all to God, and know I'm not alone! Everytime someone steps on you they are just another trial you over came to add to your story of triumph! You can get down on yourself and say "man, everyone else is doing something with their life and going places, what am I doing?" I've been there as well! My sister and I like to call bad days, "poop between your eyes" kinda days. Who wants poop between their eyes let alone on their face? No one! Who enjoys or finds clarity in a bad day? No one! But thats why I believe there is someone greater than all of us to help us, who knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Never late, never early but always on time! He gives us people in our life to encourage us... it's not for really is to help us grow and gain strength through the storm. When the storm gets rough we gotta learn to dance in the rain! Thats right! Go get your dancing shoes on...
Ever notice how when you start to think positive, and you get all motivated, other people are negative, almost like they're spitting on your great new and improved attitude. All that means is, you must be doing something right! Being different, staying focused, sometimes others don't want to see you better off than what they're in and that can have an effect on your mood. But ya gotta keep head whooo *Bursts out singing the happy song**.. anyways, not letting others who are looking up at you on your high cloud of "bliss" have you come tumbling down to their sorrows. Instead be stronger, be encouraging.. Im trying to do this every day, even when the poop comes flying my way. I duck, I jump, I do what I have to to get out of the way of the poop! Have a blessed week my lovelies! Your beautiful, strong, and there is NO one like you!! 


  1. Love it, Sarah. andso true what you said about people raining on your new improved positive attitude. that you Must be doing something right! Very encouraging on this poop between the eyes kinda day!

  2. lol love it! Sams reality when he was a baby made it into your lil bloggy! This was very uplifting my lil tulip! I love you and again am so proud of you!!

    1. Awwwwwww love you princess ! You are a over comer.mama loves u . YOU are continually in my prayers

  3. WOW THIS IS REALLY COOL !!!!!!!!!

    How do I make my own blog. I have such an interesting life everyone should know about it

    Do they make blogs for MacBooks???


  4. I'm so encouraged. I mean this from my heart!!!
    Let us continue to pray for each other!!!:)
