Friday, October 12, 2012

When does "Im gonna do that" turn into "Ive done that"

We always see things that catch our eye, and we find ourselves saying "Im gonna do that one day" "Im gonna own that one day" or "Im gonna become this". When does "gonna" become "done" or do we get caught up in the fantasy of idle thoughts. There are two forms of thought processes, the Idle thoughts that are a fantasy, a form of entertainment we use to day dream just like watching a movie would do for us. Then there is the determined thoughts. The ones that get us to "mental map" our dreams, goals, ideas, etc. I strongly believe the point Jesse Duplantis made in his book, "The Everyday Visionary", that we are given passions and gifts for a reason. Every single one of us was given ideas to use and to put forth into the world around us. Some platforms are bigger than others, that does not mean they are greater. We all carry a piece to the puzzle that creates the picture of the meaning of life. whether your  piece is bigger or smaller, the picture is not complete with out that very piece. I can't help but think of this due to the people I have met and how little they have thought of their very own lives (including myself at one point), how much they under estimate themselves. Whether its the thoughts "Well I had my chance at this age and now I'm just too old", or "I can never finish what I start, I'm just too busy", "Im not gifted like this person or that person".. These are all things that are fair enough to say, but is it fair enough to allow ourselves to sell ourself that short? Why is it we can't start to differentiate those Idle thoughts with the determined thoughts. Create a mental map of ideas and passions. Find it in ourselves to say "I was given these thoughts, ideas, goals, for a reason and now it comes down to the turning "I'm gonna do that" into "I've done it". It really can happen. For the first time in my life, Im really believing it. I'm taking action in my own little life as a 22 year old single mom who works part time, is trying to go to school, give my son a home and raise him all at the same time. I was given dreams and visions of my life for a reason and I truly believe God does not give us mountains we cannot climb. Were able to get past them for a reason, and that is to show triumph, hope, and to tell our story. Hope your blessed today, my friend! 
P.S. What dreams keep coming up in the back of your mind constantly? What do you truly enjoy to do that makes you smile and say Hey I can really make something of this...?!


  1. I just started blogging and came across your blog! I love it, you're very inspiring! youre son is adorable by the way! Xo

  2. You r amazing girl.
