Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When Ms. Cleaver Loses It

When we think of motherhood we strive to be....
The well rounded, put together, sane mother. With all the great advice and all the right choices made! Up at the crack of dawn with breakfast ready for our ducklings and sending our husband off to work with a nice lunch and a kiss wishing a swell day...

In reality....

A lot of days, this is what we experience... Whether it's cause our children are not listening, there is not that husband to make lunch for, overwhelmed by house work, feel undervalued, the list can go on and on! Sometimes we need to just stop what were doing in the middle of the chaos find the nearest closet and a box of dove chocolates.. sit, indulge, and refuel! Hey, whatever will help right! 
No, but really, It's taking one day at a time! Your a better mom when you don't try to be super mom. At least thats what Im finding out. I dealt (and still do sometimes) with self guilt as a mom. Sometimes for being a single parent or for not always having the energy to play for hours with Jack. You feel bad or start to compare yourself to other parents. You notice something your lacking in through other peoples doings. When no one parent is perfect. If your showing your kids unconditional love, being there for them, and open to learning each day that is giving your kids the best. No one just has a baby and knows exactly how to handle or react to every little sleepless moment. We all call our mothers or friends who've already been down this road. Its learning, day by day by day by day.... experience! It' the beauty of being a parent. For every hard moment comes triple the "I love you mama/dada", the snuggles, etc! 
Yesterday, we were driving in the car, came to a stop sign, Jack goes "Mama"? I say, "Yes, baby love"? "Your a good mama, and pretty too"... In that moment every hard, sleepless, want to pull my hair out of my head situation, went out the door and it topped any compliment I have ever been given in my life. To know I'm not a perfect mom and that things aren't always easy and I have my meltdowns... At 3 years old he acknowledging my trying and my love for him. That's all I can ask for! Thats all I can do, is give him my unconditional love and very best every single day! Thats being a good parent not defining myself by other peoples standards but knowing what I give is my all and best and thats the best! 


  1. one day at a time is what im learning


  2. Amazing!! Great words of encouragement girl!!

  3. its your seestore! Love this post, you are the BEST mama to Jack thats why he adores you!!! Im so proud of you as a mom, Jack is so blessed to have you as his mama ;)

  4. i don't know how I stumbled across your blog, but I'm sure glad I did. new[est] follower.

    stop by sometime!

    1. aw Thanks! I appreciate it so much! Love your blog :)

  5. Love this Sarah. I absolutely agree. those moments far outweigh the craziness of being a parent.

  6. I love this post, I can so relate! Also, wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Award today! Here's the post with all the info:


  7. love that you have a blog!
