Friday, October 12, 2012

Something New

Wow, this was a long time coming, but I knew it was coming! whether I liked it or not I knew one day Id be in the middle of my daily tasks, my mama duties, working, etc. I would be stopped dead in my tracks. With all the little thoughts, ideas, passions in the back of my mind, but never found the ability to grasp them, hold onto them, or quite frankly even remember them. I knew it would all come back and find me at once. where all that time wondering around trying to find that place, "my place" in this world was suddenly found. I was at home with peace in my heart, and an a new found confidence in those hidden ideas and passions. Im not saying this blog is my answer to my life goal or my new beginning, but it is certainly change  of pace. It's me finding accountability and for once in my life holding on to something different, "something new". Detaching myself from the old. why share it with you? Good question… We all look for inspiration in our lives whether its subconsciously or not. we work, function, and thrive off of each other everyday. We compare, we think, we attempt, we ask for opinions and others reflect off of what they are attracted to. so maybe with this new attempt and new way of going about change, maybe I need you? Maybe you need this blog as bad as I do? Or maybe your just a passer byer sending your hellos and thoughts my way. Whatever the reason may be I am for some reason finally at that place. Where its all coming back to me (Yes, just like the  Celine Dion song). Im journaling it, Im finding it to be extremely motivating to finally put it on paper or read it myself and figure out… why? I have always been a real person, no sugar coating, no covers. I have always appreciated true conversation and genuine people. So needless to say Im excited to get to know you, learn more about life, and see what this random exciting new chapter in life has to offer! I look forward to the smallest of  things like good recipes to the most heartfelt conversations.


  1. communication is important and it is important to communicate with other people. sometimes it's just good to hear your ideal spoken out loud. plus the feedback that you can receive from a good friend can be very insightful. I believe everything happens for a reason. Even the smallest events in our normal day. as humans we are never too old to learn we learn something new everyday. I feel each day should be looked upon as a classroom. There is a teacher that sits high above us in the heavens. He hsnds out our daily lessons, and its up to us how we respond to the differentt test and tribulations . for example of the other day I burnt my hand while at work. I could have been mad that I burnt my hand, but instead I take it as a lesson that I need to ne more careful to avoid injury. it's all about mental perception. positive attitude can go a long way. praises to the Most High

  2. This is very True! I appreciate your input. It's all about choices and how we choose to look at life and allowing ourselves to learn!

  3. Well I'm learning with your stories and experiences, and I really love to do that, thanks for making this blog, for give me the chance to know you more, to share your experience with everyone, for being a wonderful person and really looking forward to keep reading more about you. Angel
