Friday, October 12, 2012

Meet my little man

Hi Guys...
Here's a little more info on this mama! 
My name is Sarah, I am 22 and Love God with my whole heart! At a young age I feel like I have already been through so much (Who don't feel like that these days). I am learning more and more each day about life in general and can't help but be fascinated, awed, and sometimes just disgusted! I want to start taking more risks and learning to not always think so much and do what my heart is telling me is right... Now onto the good stuff ;)
This is the love of my life...
His name is Jackson Parker (Jack). He was not a planned baby, as most 19 year old pregnancies are not. Having him was the hardest time in my life, and I wouldn't trade a second of it for the unconditional love and joy I have been given through him. He reminds me daily what life is all about and brings me back to simplicity!
He is wild, loves to slay imaginary dragons on the daily, and can make me laugh when I want to cry. He's favorite treat is the "Black Treat" which is anything chocolate. which he never lets me forget asking ten times a day! When I went through my struggles with having him so young, I didn't understand why. I thought I could handle anything and once he finally came into this world, I noticed my "tough cookie" attitude was starting to chip away. He was given to me at the perfect time and I believe having him has changed me for the better. I don't condone teen pregnancy by any means. TRUST ME (Ill save that for another post) But with all the sacrifice, tears, and hard work, my son has given me a strength and a beautiful out look on life. 

Children are a true gift from God! I never understood why my mother had 7 kids and just gave her entire life up to take care of her home and family. Being the selfish teenager I was and seeing what my mother gave and did, I always said "No way am I having kids or at least not till I'm 30. I'm gonna travel the world and fly by the seat of my pants". Don't' get me wrong, I admire all the great travelers out their and they're beautiful experiences. But there is a certain beauty in being a parent that cannot be described at it's best. Its truly remarkable and I'm honored to be called mama...


  1. Totally agreed with stephanie! And I'm so sure that you are the best mom that your baby could've :)
