Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't let the poop get ya!

I'm not gonna lie, there are times when my heart hurts so bad and I can barely breathe that I just want to give up on everything. Find a whole lay in it and roll a rock over it. There are things that happen in my life I don't quite understand and sometimes wonder why. There are times when I feel beyond a lone, that I couldn't even begin to share with someone where I'm really at cause I'd feel like they couldn't understand if they tried. And its easy to feel alone and look at everyone around you and say well they have this or this person has that kind of a life... and still, I have my days where i struggle or just flat out need to cry! For me, thats when I need to pray. Just give it all to God, and know I'm not alone! Everytime someone steps on you they are just another trial you over came to add to your story of triumph! You can get down on yourself and say "man, everyone else is doing something with their life and going places, what am I doing?" I've been there as well! My sister and I like to call bad days, "poop between your eyes" kinda days. Who wants poop between their eyes let alone on their face? No one! Who enjoys or finds clarity in a bad day? No one! But thats why I believe there is someone greater than all of us to help us, who knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Never late, never early but always on time! He gives us people in our life to encourage us... it's not for really is to help us grow and gain strength through the storm. When the storm gets rough we gotta learn to dance in the rain! Thats right! Go get your dancing shoes on...
Ever notice how when you start to think positive, and you get all motivated, other people are negative, almost like they're spitting on your great new and improved attitude. All that means is, you must be doing something right! Being different, staying focused, sometimes others don't want to see you better off than what they're in and that can have an effect on your mood. But ya gotta keep head whooo *Bursts out singing the happy song**.. anyways, not letting others who are looking up at you on your high cloud of "bliss" have you come tumbling down to their sorrows. Instead be stronger, be encouraging.. Im trying to do this every day, even when the poop comes flying my way. I duck, I jump, I do what I have to to get out of the way of the poop! Have a blessed week my lovelies! Your beautiful, strong, and there is NO one like you!! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Recipe Swaps!

Happy Monday Friends! 
I'm always looking for all sorts of recipes! My mother had 7 kids, so growing up she was always in the kitchen cooking up a storm. A lot of good memories as a kid are remembered with some great aroma floating around in the house! So I grew to LOVE cooking/baking! Now being a mom, I can only hope to give my little guy the same great memories! 

We can share anything from as easy to salads, quick little lunches for the kiddos, to amazing dinners! I love to play around and see what I come up with when it comes to salads....
Being a mom, and not always having a ton of time and needing energy, I love having a salad! Try to have one everyday. This salad was pretty amazing, I sautéed some frozen cooked shrimp (only takes minutes) with a little olive oil, lemon pepper, and already chopped garlic. I added some steamed asparagus, avocados, tomatoes, sweet corn from the can, and organic lettuce! It literally took under 10 minutes to make! If I'm feeling extra healthy I make my own dressing. All it includes is olive oil, Balsamic Vinegar, and a little lemon juice. Pretty Good!!
This one is a BBQ chicken salad. I had left over chicken from the night before and I heated in a pan with some bbq sauce. Added some sweet corn, black beans, a little colby jack cheese, tomatoes, croutons, and organic salad mix. I always like to mix a little honey mustard with light ranch dressing to go with the bbq chicken! These salads are awesome filling meals for moms always running around for the kiddos! Heck they're great for anyone who enjoys a great salad! 

I can't wait to get into pastas, desserts, etc! What are some of your recipes!?! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When Ms. Cleaver Loses It

When we think of motherhood we strive to be....
The well rounded, put together, sane mother. With all the great advice and all the right choices made! Up at the crack of dawn with breakfast ready for our ducklings and sending our husband off to work with a nice lunch and a kiss wishing a swell day...

In reality....

A lot of days, this is what we experience... Whether it's cause our children are not listening, there is not that husband to make lunch for, overwhelmed by house work, feel undervalued, the list can go on and on! Sometimes we need to just stop what were doing in the middle of the chaos find the nearest closet and a box of dove chocolates.. sit, indulge, and refuel! Hey, whatever will help right! 
No, but really, It's taking one day at a time! Your a better mom when you don't try to be super mom. At least thats what Im finding out. I dealt (and still do sometimes) with self guilt as a mom. Sometimes for being a single parent or for not always having the energy to play for hours with Jack. You feel bad or start to compare yourself to other parents. You notice something your lacking in through other peoples doings. When no one parent is perfect. If your showing your kids unconditional love, being there for them, and open to learning each day that is giving your kids the best. No one just has a baby and knows exactly how to handle or react to every little sleepless moment. We all call our mothers or friends who've already been down this road. Its learning, day by day by day by day.... experience! It' the beauty of being a parent. For every hard moment comes triple the "I love you mama/dada", the snuggles, etc! 
Yesterday, we were driving in the car, came to a stop sign, Jack goes "Mama"? I say, "Yes, baby love"? "Your a good mama, and pretty too"... In that moment every hard, sleepless, want to pull my hair out of my head situation, went out the door and it topped any compliment I have ever been given in my life. To know I'm not a perfect mom and that things aren't always easy and I have my meltdowns... At 3 years old he acknowledging my trying and my love for him. That's all I can ask for! Thats all I can do, is give him my unconditional love and very best every single day! Thats being a good parent not defining myself by other peoples standards but knowing what I give is my all and best and thats the best! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Starting the morning/week off with a healthy kick

Hello Friends~
As I was kindly woken up by a little butt sitting on my face and my personal alarm saying "moooorning Mama" I rubbed my eyes looked at the clock and at no shock it was quarter to 7. As Jack and I did our daily morning tasks, brushing our teethers, washing up, and making breakfast for little man. I know breakfast is the most important time of the day, but that early I never want to eat right away. So I've been trying to juice every morning. Juicing is AWSOME!! If you don't have a juicer I highly suggest you save up for one/ invest for one! The only catch is the clean up of the juicer. Totally worth the nutrients and energy you gain though! 
I have tried so many different kinds of juices.. Its awesome to add ginger for a little kick start, berries for antioxidants, apples for fiber, oranges for vitamin c, and pretty much any kind of fruit or vegetable. 
DON'T let the color fool you! No matter how gross it looks, its very delicious. You normally taste the fruits over the veggies anyway. The great thing about Juicing is your getting all the essential nutrients you need in the cup. If you make a habit of it everyday your gonna make a world of a difference in just your energy levels alone! 

So the juicer was my 7 a.m. wake up boost... Now that 10 a.m has rolled around a little protein was needed! What more than a Avocado and Tomato omelette?
I only used one egg seeing how I had already had my juicer! Mixed in a little salt, pepper, and basil. Added some sliced tomatoes and a little parmesan cheese in the middle, and topped with some avocado. This is a great breakfast to start the day! Very simple and tasty! 
Ever since I had my son, I have tried to make my diet more on the healthy side. Don't get me wrong, the woman in our family do not hold back the recipes that indulge in butter,sugar,etc. And skin and bones does not nor will ever follow after my name in a sentence ha! But I do try and keep it healthy and simple everyday. If were always making eating healthy complicated and technical, we will start to resent it and not enjoy it as much. It can be light and easy and you can feel good that your taking care of your outward man! Happy Monday Friends :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Seeing Past your flaws

When I tell you your gifted and amazing do you yourself believe that? We create a mindset where our mistakes have made dents in our lives, or set us back. We trip on our mistakes and sometimes beat ourselves up over it. But without attempt and failure we could lose the true gravity of success and the appreciation of it. The greatest men and women remembered got to where they were by attempting, by failing, trying again and showing true commitment to their destiny. Even the greatest of great have fallen and risen above their highest expectation. Why? Cause they were persistent. They did not let falling bring them down to the point of not getting back up. They felt their tears, sweat, and pain even stronger. They tasted their goals even sweeter and pursued even deeper. My point is. When we allow our mind to tell us we "can't" or "won't" succeed in whatever it is were set out to do. We our bringing the value of life down to where everything goes with that. Our happiness, our motivation, the way we see things. We're giving ourself limits, when life should be lived with no true "finish line" or limit. Where there are constant goals pushing us on the daily to be, do, and strive more! We were made for greatness. Even being young, a waitress, a sinlge mom, I am seeing myself more for than what I have valued myself for in the past. Im giving myself that gift so I can be a gift to others. Thats the beauty of choice and the way we choose to see the life given to us. The mind is a beautiful, remarkable thing. When we allow our mind to believe in something greater than just ourself, we are opening doors of opportunity higher than any expectation we could see on our own. Allowing other people to help with our dreams and goals is building off one another. It's expanding our opportunities to get where we want to go and having even greater doors open due to that help! So believe you are great, you are gifted! Here's a little dare: This week, try to step out of your daily routine. Even if its something small. Step out and do something you always appreciate from a far and stop saying I gotta do that soon.. Make the time and do it! Have a Blessed week Friends!! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Meet my little man

Hi Guys...
Here's a little more info on this mama! 
My name is Sarah, I am 22 and Love God with my whole heart! At a young age I feel like I have already been through so much (Who don't feel like that these days). I am learning more and more each day about life in general and can't help but be fascinated, awed, and sometimes just disgusted! I want to start taking more risks and learning to not always think so much and do what my heart is telling me is right... Now onto the good stuff ;)
This is the love of my life...
His name is Jackson Parker (Jack). He was not a planned baby, as most 19 year old pregnancies are not. Having him was the hardest time in my life, and I wouldn't trade a second of it for the unconditional love and joy I have been given through him. He reminds me daily what life is all about and brings me back to simplicity!
He is wild, loves to slay imaginary dragons on the daily, and can make me laugh when I want to cry. He's favorite treat is the "Black Treat" which is anything chocolate. which he never lets me forget asking ten times a day! When I went through my struggles with having him so young, I didn't understand why. I thought I could handle anything and once he finally came into this world, I noticed my "tough cookie" attitude was starting to chip away. He was given to me at the perfect time and I believe having him has changed me for the better. I don't condone teen pregnancy by any means. TRUST ME (Ill save that for another post) But with all the sacrifice, tears, and hard work, my son has given me a strength and a beautiful out look on life. 

Children are a true gift from God! I never understood why my mother had 7 kids and just gave her entire life up to take care of her home and family. Being the selfish teenager I was and seeing what my mother gave and did, I always said "No way am I having kids or at least not till I'm 30. I'm gonna travel the world and fly by the seat of my pants". Don't' get me wrong, I admire all the great travelers out their and they're beautiful experiences. But there is a certain beauty in being a parent that cannot be described at it's best. Its truly remarkable and I'm honored to be called mama...

When does "Im gonna do that" turn into "Ive done that"

We always see things that catch our eye, and we find ourselves saying "Im gonna do that one day" "Im gonna own that one day" or "Im gonna become this". When does "gonna" become "done" or do we get caught up in the fantasy of idle thoughts. There are two forms of thought processes, the Idle thoughts that are a fantasy, a form of entertainment we use to day dream just like watching a movie would do for us. Then there is the determined thoughts. The ones that get us to "mental map" our dreams, goals, ideas, etc. I strongly believe the point Jesse Duplantis made in his book, "The Everyday Visionary", that we are given passions and gifts for a reason. Every single one of us was given ideas to use and to put forth into the world around us. Some platforms are bigger than others, that does not mean they are greater. We all carry a piece to the puzzle that creates the picture of the meaning of life. whether your  piece is bigger or smaller, the picture is not complete with out that very piece. I can't help but think of this due to the people I have met and how little they have thought of their very own lives (including myself at one point), how much they under estimate themselves. Whether its the thoughts "Well I had my chance at this age and now I'm just too old", or "I can never finish what I start, I'm just too busy", "Im not gifted like this person or that person".. These are all things that are fair enough to say, but is it fair enough to allow ourselves to sell ourself that short? Why is it we can't start to differentiate those Idle thoughts with the determined thoughts. Create a mental map of ideas and passions. Find it in ourselves to say "I was given these thoughts, ideas, goals, for a reason and now it comes down to the turning "I'm gonna do that" into "I've done it". It really can happen. For the first time in my life, Im really believing it. I'm taking action in my own little life as a 22 year old single mom who works part time, is trying to go to school, give my son a home and raise him all at the same time. I was given dreams and visions of my life for a reason and I truly believe God does not give us mountains we cannot climb. Were able to get past them for a reason, and that is to show triumph, hope, and to tell our story. Hope your blessed today, my friend! 
P.S. What dreams keep coming up in the back of your mind constantly? What do you truly enjoy to do that makes you smile and say Hey I can really make something of this...?!

Something New

Wow, this was a long time coming, but I knew it was coming! whether I liked it or not I knew one day Id be in the middle of my daily tasks, my mama duties, working, etc. I would be stopped dead in my tracks. With all the little thoughts, ideas, passions in the back of my mind, but never found the ability to grasp them, hold onto them, or quite frankly even remember them. I knew it would all come back and find me at once. where all that time wondering around trying to find that place, "my place" in this world was suddenly found. I was at home with peace in my heart, and an a new found confidence in those hidden ideas and passions. Im not saying this blog is my answer to my life goal or my new beginning, but it is certainly change  of pace. It's me finding accountability and for once in my life holding on to something different, "something new". Detaching myself from the old. why share it with you? Good question… We all look for inspiration in our lives whether its subconsciously or not. we work, function, and thrive off of each other everyday. We compare, we think, we attempt, we ask for opinions and others reflect off of what they are attracted to. so maybe with this new attempt and new way of going about change, maybe I need you? Maybe you need this blog as bad as I do? Or maybe your just a passer byer sending your hellos and thoughts my way. Whatever the reason may be I am for some reason finally at that place. Where its all coming back to me (Yes, just like the  Celine Dion song). Im journaling it, Im finding it to be extremely motivating to finally put it on paper or read it myself and figure out… why? I have always been a real person, no sugar coating, no covers. I have always appreciated true conversation and genuine people. So needless to say Im excited to get to know you, learn more about life, and see what this random exciting new chapter in life has to offer! I look forward to the smallest of  things like good recipes to the most heartfelt conversations.